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"There's a time for certain ideas to arrive, and they find a way to express themselves through us."
- Rick Rubin

Welcome to, a digital portfolio of original content creation, expressed through multiple mediums, and harnessed with applied technical aptitude, while keeping the continuum of creativity in harmony with the cosmos.


The creative bastion of is the obvious front end: from pure art with pencil and paper, to merging layers in graphic design; from composing musical arrangements, to voicing and producing podcasts; from shooting video and recording audio, to editing both; from print photo to digital photography and post-processing; from writing and publishing, to broadcasting news and information to millions of people.

The continuously moving parts of that are not entirely obvious, but require a certain level of expertise to prop up the back end are: creativity, ideation, website design and hosting, domain management, content marketing, content management, and original content creation. 


No stock imagery. No stock video. No blog stock. One hundred percent original.

This is

Is Your Brand Lacking ?




(because I'm not. I create my own.)

While your stock content be like...

At, creativity has no rules, no censorship, no moderator, no terms & conditions, no fake news, no marketing partners, no activity trackers, no shareholders, no stock prices, no rankings,
no scams,  no algorithms, and no stock content.
This is the real deal.

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